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Meru National Park is found on open grassland in the northeastern part of Mt. Kenya. This park has more than 10 rivers and streams that sustain its wildlife.

This Park is home to mammals such as Zebras, Cheetahs, Elephants, Leopards, Hartebeests, hippos, buffalos, and also snakes like python, and cobras not to mention more than 400 species of birdlife. The weather here is Warm & Dry.

“Complete Wilderness”

Brilliant on a magnificent scale, the Meru and Kora sister parks feature luxuriant jungle, coursing rivers, verdant swamp, khaki grasslands, and gaunt termite cathedrals all under the sky’s great blue bowl. Little visited and utterly unspoiled, few places are comparable to the remote and rugged atmosphere found here. Visitors can see Grevy’s zebras, elephants, Bohor reedbucks, hartebeests, pythons, puff adders, cobras, buffalos, and more than 427 recorded species of birds.

Key features


Grevy’s Zebra, Elephants, Eland, Bush Pig, Waterbuck, Cheetah, Leopard, Reticulated Giraffe, Hippopotamus, Bohor Reedbuck, Hartebeest, Python, Puff Udder, Cobra, Buffalo, more than 427 recorded species of birds


More than 427 recorded species


Mainly thorny bushland in the North, wooded grasslands in the West, and open grassland elsewhere. The park also offers dense riverine forests of Doum and Raffia palm.


Parks are part of the Semi-arid zone and have irregular rainfalls. Wet seasons are April- June, and November- December. Rainfall is 635-762mm in the west and 305-356mm in the east.

How to get there


Access from Nairobi (348 kms) is via Nyeri-Nanyuki-Meru or via Embu all-weather roads. Access into the park from Maua to Murera Gate (35 km) and 348 km from Nairobi.

The other access is via Embu to Ura Gate (120 km), 290 km from Nairobi


Main airstrip at Kina, Mulika next to Meru Mulika Lodge and Elsa’s Kopje airstrip

Always consider Erideka Safaris Kenya for amazing adventure.


  • Former home of Joy and George Adamson and Elsa the lioness
  • Views of Mt Kenya
  • Rivers and riverine habitats
  • Tana river
  • Adamson’s falls